Here’s how to choose the right printer

Welke grootformaat printer past het beste bij jou? Die keuze maken we extra makkelijk voor jou door de twee keuzeblokken op deze pagina én doordat we een slimme filter voor je hebben opgesteld bij het printeraanbod. Zo kom je stapsgewijs bij de plotter die het best bij jou past. Kies op het blok dat bij jou past en check meteen ons aanbod.

I mainly print line drawings such as construction drawings and floor plans

I mainly print posters/outs and color range is important to me

The most important filter choice is what the level of the print should be:

  • CAD/GIS: these are construction drawings and floor plans consisting largely of lines. With that, of course, the details are important, so you want to print sharply. At the same time, you don’t have complicated colors, which saves on ink consumption.
  • Production & proofing: with this printer you print advertising posters or posters, for example. Your color range is important and it should look spick and span. But it doesn’t have to hang in a museum so good is good.

This dichotomy gives you a direction. Of course, the choice you ultimately make is entirely up to you. Want personalized advice? Then call us: 013 533 66 25 or send a message to